Creating boxplots - geoms: jitter, point, and boxplot

When creating boxplots do not add geom point layer and jitter layer both to the plots. This will print the data points twice.

Here is an example

Boxplot only - Correct

x <- 1:10
df <- data.frame(x=x)
qplot(data=df, y=x, x="", geom="boxplot") 

Boxplot and points - correct

qplot(data=df, y=x, x="", geom=c("boxplot",  "point"))

Boxplot and jitter - correct

qplot(data=df, y=x, x="", geom=c("boxplot",  "jitter"))

Boxplot, point and jitter - incorrect, because points are plotted twice.

qplot(data=df, y=x, x="", geom=c("boxplot", "point", "jitter"))